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Transition Through Life's Seasons

I think it’s safe to say that for many of us, 2020 has been a constant state of transition. For this reason I challenge you to take a step back from solely going with the flow and embracing the changes that have come from the various ways in which we as BMOS have had to transition throughout the year. Be it going from working in the office to working from home, children attending school face to face to virtually, some gainfully employed to others seeking for new employment and others finding new success in entrepreneurship. That’s a lot to process, whereas typically the fall season finds us in a state of natural transition as we watch the leaves fall from the trees, cooler temperature invites us to wear our favorite boots and sweaters and the days seemingly get shorter. It is an inevitable reminder that nature is transitioning from summer to fall. 

Now is a great time to assess how all of the changes have impacted you mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. After you take the time to do an individual assessment, do the same for your family collectively and individually. This assessment is important because it allows you to determine how to move forward with our new normal in a way that has the most positive impact on our quality of life. This in itself will aid you in transitioning the remainder of the year. Similar to the trees, some things that were once a part of your day to day in the spring and summer months, may fall off and not best serve you in the winter and fall. Consider how the unanticipated transitions you’ve been met with have been handled thus far. Was the transition smooth or unsettling? What adjustments have you had to make due to life’s transitions, how have they impacted you and your family?

Remember life is full of transitions, some that we have the opportunity to prepare for others we don’t. How we adjust to them however, determines how we get through them.

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